What We Believe
San Marcos United Methodist Church is a part of a larger connection of churches called the United Methodist Church. More information about the UMC can be found at umc.org
As followers of Jesus, we strive to be more Christ-like in our daily lives. We understand that sometimes this is hard, so each of us strives to take our next most faithful step. Together we support and encourage one another in this journey. Discipleship is what we do, it's who we are, and it is who we are called to be.
The community of faith is a place where all belong. Jesus said to love God and love our neighbors. We take that commandment seriously as we strive to be a community free of judgement and full of grace. Whoever you are, wherever you are in your journey --
you belong here.
We believe in being our best selves so that we can help transform the world around us. We are always seeking where God is calling us to and who God is calling us to be, so that the kin-dom of God can be here and now.